Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Spine Predicts "text neck" Epidemic From Phone Usage...

Yep, another person I know got rid of their house phone. That means they just use the cell phone. Hey, one friend I have must leave his house phone off because I call it and no one answers. The cell, on the other hand, he picks up right away...

A problem for many is that they develop something called text Neck or in other words tek neck! This happens when one always has their head down creating forward carriage or loss of the Cervical curve. So if you're always on your smart phone texting, on the internet, or whatever, watch out for neck problems.

The Back Dr’s specializes in pain relief for the neck and the lower back. We will help you have better posture, get better sleep and help you be more comfortable. Helping you find natural remedies for your active lifestyle.

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