Monday, September 6, 2010

One of the Best Defenses Against Back Pain: PREVENTION

healthy teeth are just as important as a healthy spine

Healthy Teeth, Just as Important - HEALTHY SPINE

It’s well known that if you have back pain, a great treatment to get rid of it is chiropractic care. So, it may not come as a surprise to say to you that one of the best ways to prevent ever having back pain is to see your chiropractor.

I can tell you that the majority of my colleagues, their patients and my own patients that have had regular chiropractic treatments are a much healthier group than those who haven’t.

Think about this- you see your dentist once every six months for a teeth cleaning and to get your teeth examined. This is to prevent cavities, plaque build-up, etc … What do you think is more important, your teeth or your spine? Your spine, of course! It holds your nervous system. After the age of 65 the majority of individuals have less than half a mouth of real teeth.

If you have built up a lot of arthritis or degeneration, preventative or supportive care is extremely important. Especially if you’ve had past disc injury or disc pain your chiropractor may be your sole option for drug-free relief.

And now with the DRX 9000 spinal decompression you can keep your discs healthy and pain-free.

The Glastonbury Chiropractor is located in central Connecticut- CT Spine and Disc Center specializes in patients who suffer from sciatica, disc degeneration, bulging disc or herniated disc in the lumbar spine. Call our chiropractic office at 860-633-8756 to schedule an appointment and to see if you are a candidate for non surgical spinal decompressionAdditional Reading Resources:

1 comment:

SPWS said...

I agree with you on that matter. It is important to keep your spine healthy because it is responsible in providing motion to our skeleton.

Chiropractor Colorado


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