Friday, August 5, 2016

Motion Is Life!

Yes, you heard it right. This is a very true statement. Every joint in the body can move, without it there's a problem.

How can we lose that motion? One big one is arthritis. The joints build up degeneration in the form of bone. With this buildup comes reduced motion.

To some extent there is a double edge sword. If you don't move, arthritis more easily builds up. If you have bad motion then arthritis can build up...

In other words we need to exercise, but do it with proper motion and good posture. Not just the joints but other parts of the body work better when we have motion. Blood flows, nutrients flow, waste gets removed, all the way down to the cellular level.

The Back Dr’s specializes in pain relief for the neck and the lower back. We will help you have better posture, get better sleep and help you be more comfortable. Helping you find natural remedies for your active lifestyle.

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