Monday, October 17, 2011

Kim Kardashian: A Trip to the Chiropractor Before the Big Wedding

Kim Kardashian Goes To The Chiropractor
It is always interesting when a big celebrity uses chiropractic care. Even a reality star like Kim Kardashian. She recently tweeted: "Just had the best chiropractor appointment, then massage and Korean spa scrub! I feel sooo relaxed. I really needed this!"

Weddings can be really stressful. This is whether you're a celebrity or not. A Chiropractic visit before the big day can be a huge stress reliever. So if you've got a big event, like a wedding, sports outing, or something of the like - go for a chiropractic tune-up!

The Glastonbury Chiropractor is located in central Connecticut- CT Spine and Disc Center specializes in patients who suffer from sciatica, disc degeneration, bulging disc or herniated disc in the lumbar spine. Call our chiropractic office at 860-633-8756 to schedule an appointment and to see if you are a candidate for non surgical spinal decompression

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Raniasgarden said...

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Unknown said...

Good for her! I just love it when people put their health first on their priority list. Too often, people wait until the pain becomes unbearable before they contact a chiropractor. Waiting can cause long-term damage, so it is important that you contact your chiropractor when the pain originally begins. Chiropractic goes to the root of the problem, helping patients live pain-free without the use of medication.

Edward said...

I never expect she'll go to a Chiropractor.

Devon Clare said...

Nice! Paris Hilton recently tweeted about her trip to the chiropractor too! Keep them tweets comin, ladies!

Anonymous said...

Nice reading and what are some advantages before wedding of a chiropiactic treatment.

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I just love it when people put their health first on their priority list. Acupuncture Kansas City


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