Common sense tells you to go with the pillow recommended by your doctor. Now has he seen you a couple because you do want him to know you or your body before he recommends something.
Otherwise it’s like you getting a product off the tv — it may be a great product; just not for you. On television they are geared at selling to the masses, so that particular item may not fit your needs.
There will be testimonials and money back guarantees; you name it. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing but their goal is to sell.
It would be best to have a product that is popular enough to make it on tv plus it is highly recommended by professionals.
The Twist Neck Pillow fits that criteria. Not only are there Doctors of Chiropractic here at Arc4Life but there is a Chiropractor giving a testimonial for the travel twist pillow on the commercial.
So when choosing a pillow, think about your heath and spine but listen to others as well... especially experts on the neck, spine, and s
The Back Dr’s specializes in pain relief for the neck and the lower back. We will help you have better posture, get better sleep and help you be more comfortable. Helping you find natural remedies for your active lifestyle.
Additional Reading Resources:
- Neck Pain Relief
- Choosing the right neck pillow and neck traction for pain relief
- Contact the Back Dr for help with choosing the right pain relief products via telephone, or email
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